02/03/08 - 19:09 - -My Samurai Shodown 6 screenpack has been released, go grab it in the downloads section.
02/02/07 - 14:11 - -New drawing in the art section, this is a portrait of my beautiful girlfriend. 01/30/07 - 02:37 - -Sotiris Ninis added to PES6 Faces section, enjoy. 01/29/07 - 18:22 - -First update in a while... there's some faces for Pro Evolution soccer 6 up: -Papadopoulos -Salpingidis -Tsigas -Also put some new art, not really new, couple years old actually, never got a chance to put them up, enjoy. 11/13/03 - 22:09 - -New affiliation, check it out -
10/06/03 - 09:57 - -Added a Couple of works I did for AP Art.
01/31/03 - 20:25 - -New drawing, go to the art page.
08/20/02 - 13:41 - -Well, I decided to keep updating the page, the artwork section has been graced with 4 more of my amazing pieces... Go now, and check back later for an additional update featuring a charcoal version of the piece below.
07/29/02 - 20:39 - -I just got news from Greece that my best friend Jerry died... He fell out of a truck and passed shortly after waking up from his coma... In his Memory
06/13/02 - 09:12 - -All outdated links in the beginner's section have been replaced. -Rearranged the downloads page a bit. |
Old News
06/13/02 - 02:25 - I changed the layout and color scheme of the site, I thought the artwork would fit better this way; as you can see I'm excited, and I can't wait to read your feedback *hint *hint*.
06/12/02 - 19:56 - Well, I was able to do it. All 36 of my best pieces are now up on the Artwork page.
06/11/02 - 22:48 - Wow... It's been a while since I've had a chance to update, but now that I have, I decided to put an "Artwork" page up and I'm hoping I can have it all up there by tomorrow, if not then the day after. Check back for it.
12/16/01 - 18:42 - -Three Stages by Shadow Dragon X4 now hosted. -SFZ3 Honda -SFZ3 Akuma -SFZ3 Sagat
12/14/01 - 20:33 - -Original Lifebars by VampiresKiss now hosted.
12/01/01 - 22:29 - -Mugen for Dummies is back, go check it out! -New download page is up, go get the 2k1 lifebars!
11/25/01 - 00:11 - -Temproary download page is up -KOF 2K1 lifebars by VampiresKiss are now ready to download
11/15/01 - 14:20 - -Site reopened -New Design -New URL -New graphics/content -More to come... |
Mugenguild Forums
The best Mugen forum around. The latest releases are always posted here. MugenGuild Forums
WE Hellas
This is the spot for PES6 stuff if you're a fan of Greek soccer. check it out, they recently released a really cool patch for PES6 including chants, faces, stadiums, etc... WE Hellas |

In His Memory...